Hawke Bubble Level For Scope 9-11mm




21,95 €


25 rating(s) - 15 review(s)
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Rail9-11mm (3/8") Dovetail


Por (Loulé, Portugal) em15 Apr. 2022 (Hawke Bubble Level For Scope 9-11mm) :
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Por (Santarém, Portugal) em28 March 2022 (Hawke Bubble Level For Scope 9-11mm) :
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Por (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain) em08 Dec. 2021 (Hawke Bubble Level For Scope 9-11mm) :

Hawke Nivel p/ Mira 9-11mm

Profesionalidad, embalaje y envío rapidísimo. Sòlo tres días de haber sido despachado ya lo tenía. Recomendable MUNDILAR ????

Por (Culleredo, Spain) em28 May 2021 (Hawke Bubble Level For Scope 9-11mm) :
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Por (Madrid, Spain) em09 May 2021 (Hawke Bubble Level For Scope 9-11mm) :

Hawke buble level

Tell you what, for us air gunners who shoot long distances, a level is a must! I'm super glad I went ahead and got this one! Right off the bat I could tell my rifles were scoped incorrectly. It seemed they were off a bit, but that "bit" is enough to ruin your long shots. I would highly recommend getting a level like this one at Mundilar, it's well worth it!

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